In programming, it is often very useful do carry out a the same action for a series of different items. You might, for instance, want to go through a list of words and count and print the number of characters in each word. Now, you could do this for each word individually and access every word, one item at a time
In [ ]:
my_fruits = ["apple", "pear", "peach", "banana", "peach", "cherry", "orange", "kiwi"]
# and so on...
Needless to say, this is rather cumbersome. Luckily, Python provides the so-called for
-statements for this. The for
loop allows us to iterate through any iteratable object, such as a list, and do the same thing with each of its elements. The basic format of a for
-statement is:
for a_single_item in an_iterable_something:
That almost reads like English. We can print all letters of the word banana as follows:
In [ ]:
for letter in "banana":
The code in the loop is executed as many times as their are letters, with a different value for the variable letter
at each iteration. (Read the previous sentence again, until you fully understand it.)
Likewise, we can print all the items that are contained in a list:
In [ ]:
colors = ["yellow", "red", "green", "blue", "purple"]
for color in colors:
Since dictionaries are iterable objects as well, we can iterate through our good reads collection as well. This will iterate over the keys of a dictionary:
In [ ]:
for book in good_reads:
The function len()
returns the length of an iterable item:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
colors = ["yellow", "red", "green", "blue", "purple"]
# insert your code here
and appends
all colors that contain the letter r to the list colors_with_r
. (Tip: use the append()
In [ ]:
colors = ["yellow", "red", "green", "blue", "purple"]
colors_with_r = []
# insert you code here
for color in colors:
l = len(color)
We have already covered a lot of ground. Now it is time to put some of the things that we have learned together. The following quiz might be quite hard and we would be very impressed if you get it right!
What we want you to do is write code that counts how often the letter a occurs in a text. You cannot do this, however, on the basis of the text itself. Instead, you need to do this on the basis of a frequency dictionary of the test. In this dictionary frequency_dictionary
, keys are words and values are the frequencies. Assign your value to the variable number_of_words_as
In [ ]:
frequency_dictionary = {"Beg": 1, "Goddard's": 1, "I": 3, "them": 2, "absent": 1, "already": 1,
"alteration": 1, "amazement": 2, "appeared": 1, "apprehensively": 1,
"associations": 1, 'clever': 1, 'clock': 1, 'composedly': 1,
'deeply': 7, 'do': 7, 'encouragement': 1, 'entrapped': 1,
'expressed': 1, 'flatterers': 1, 'following': 12, 'gone': 9,
'happening': 4, 'hero': 2, 'housekeeper': 1, 'ingratitude': 1,
'like': 1, 'marriage': 15, 'not': 25, 'opportunities': 1,
'outgrown': 1, 'playfully': 2, 'remain': 1, 'required': 2,
'ripening': 1, 'slippery': 1, 'touch': 1, 'twenty-five': 1,
'ungracious': 2, 'unwell': 1, 'verses': 1, 'yards': 5}
number_of_as = 0
print(number_of_as != 0)
# insert your code here
for word in frequency_dictionary:
if 'a' in word:
cnt = 0
for character in word:
if character == 'a':
cnt += 1
freq = frequency_dictionary[word]
number_of_as += freq*cnt
# if your code is correct, the following line should print True!
#print(number_of_as == 42)
There is also another form of looping in Python: the while
loop. This is a loop that is tied to a logical expression. A while
loop will run as long the specified expression is evaluated to be True
. Check out the following example to see how this works:
In [ ]:
number = 5
while number < 21:
number += 3
Here is an overview of the new concepts, statements and functions we have learned in this section. Again, go through the list and make sure you understand them all.
loopLists and dictionaries are hugely important data structures and you will see a lot of them. They are almost always combined with the power of iteration using either for loops or other methods.
In addition to these data structures, there are two others which should be mentioned, these are tuples and sets. Lists, sets, tuples, dictionaries and even strings are often called iterables, as they are all collections over which can be iterated.
Tuples are ordered collections like lists, but they are immutable. Once created, nothing can be added, inserted, deleted or substituted. The main advantage is that they can be faster than lists, which is interesting if you have to process a lot of data. The syntax for creating a tuple involves round brackets ()
. For example:
In [ ]:
fruittuple = ('banana','apple','pear')
Does notice a difference between the way Python prints lists, and the way it prints tuples to your screen? The following would have worked for lists, but does not for tuples (nor strings as we have seen before):
In [ ]:
#fruittuple[0] = 'orange' # will raise an error, tuples are immutable!
for fruit in fruittuple:
A set is an unordered data collection in which an each element can only occur once, elements can be appended or deleted. It is unordered so this implies that you never really know in what order you get the elements when you iterate over the set. The syntax for creating a set is {}
. This is not to be confused with dictionaries, those take key: value
pairs where sets just take single elements.
In [ ]:
fruitset = {'banana', 'apple', 'pear'}
fruitset.add('banana') # will have no effect, banana already exists
Note that the order of the elements maybe different from the order you initialised the fruitset
. This is because order has no meaning in the context of sets and neither in that of dictionaries.
In the previous chapter you learnt how to convert strings that contains numbers to integers, and how to turn integers and floats to strings. Such a kind of type casting can also be done for iterables, allowing you to turn almost any iterable into any other.
In [ ]:
fruitlist = ['banana', 'apple', 'pear', 'banana', 'pear', 'kiwi']
fruitset = set(fruitlist)
for fruit in fruitset:
Often you want to iterate over your data in a sorted manner. The sorted()
function will take any iterable and return the elements in sorted order. For strings this is alphabetical order, for numbers this is numerical order.
In [ ]:
fruits = ['banana', 'apple', 'pear']
for fruit in sorted(fruits):
Reverse order is also possible by using reversed()
, which simply returns the elements in any iterable in reverse order:
In [ ]:
for fruit in reversed(fruits):
In [ ]:
words = ['bicycle', 'radar', 'origin', 'tie', 'level', 'poop', 'solar', 'nun']
# insert your code here
palindromes = []
for original_word in words:
reversed_word = ''
for character in reversed(original_word):
reversed_word += character
if original_word == reversed_word:
In [ ]:
text = "I just live for desserts , I really love them . My dog does too . I saw he ate mine . I was very stressed because of that . If dogs steal desserts God can't be real , for it is pure evil ."
# insert your code here
When dealing with lists of numbers, there are three functions which come in handy:
In [ ]:
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
In [ ]:
# insert your code here
Inspired by Think Python by Allen B. Downey (, Introduction to Programming Using Python by Y. Liang (Pearson, 2013). Some exercises below have been taken from:
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# fill dictionary code
function built-in, but can you write yourself a code block that prints the length of the string lengthy_word
that you will define? First use a for
loop; then try to achieve the same results with a while
loop, but watch out that you don't get stuck an infinite loop!
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# lengthy word (1) code
that you defined in the previous exercices. Can you write a code block that fills a dictionary char_freqs
containing the frequency of the different individual characters in length_word
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# lengty_word (2) code
. Can you write code that creates the dictionary next_char
, holding for each first occurence of a character (key) the next character in the word as value. If the character is already in the dictionary, do nothing and if you're dealing with the last character in the word, add "Last word!" as value to the dictionary for this character.
In [ ]:
# lengthy_word (3) code
histogram = [4, 9, 7, 2, 16, 8, 3]
, the code should print the following:++++
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# histogram
integer variable and a while
loop. Make sure that your loop will come to an end and that the inflection of the word bottle is adapted to the counter!
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# bottles of beer
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# verbs code
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# Caesar code
Congrats: you've reached the end of Chapter 4! Ignore the code block below; it's only here to make the page prettier.
In [1]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML
def css_styling():
styles = open("styles/custom.css", "r").read()
return HTML(styles)